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Cultural Festival

Registrations are due Thursday by midnight! This is a fantastic opportunity for kids of all ages to collaborate.


Hi parents!  My name is Jennifer Griest.  I’m fairly new to the Tuscaloosa area, but I’m in my 11th year of home education.  I absolutely love coordinating fun activities for homeschoolers!  With the assistance of THE, I’m organizing a world cultural fair (geography fair) for local students of all ages.  Geography fairs are a creative way to learn about different countries around our great world.  

My vision is to provide a wonderful experience for both the tour guide (participant) and the tourists (guests).  Tour guides can improve research and presentation skills, while tourists will learn about countries and cultures they may not know about.   Through the use of multi-media, the tour guides can lead our tourists on an exciting journey throughout our beautiful world.  Whether this is your first experience or not, I hope that you will embrace the excitement of a world tour and join us for the fun!!

Upon arrival, each tourist will check in at the Welcome Desk and receive a Travel Map.  The Travel Map will show the layout of the country displays.  These will also include a brief description of your country.  Imagine you are at a travel agency looking for your next big vacation.  What information would excite you enough to visit that country?  My challenge to you is to write a short paragraph that excites the tourists!  Also, in the Travel Map will be a space for the tourists to receive a stamp/sticker in a passport block.  You will need to ensure that you prepare for your tourists!    

You may register as a family or individual tour guides.  If your children want to host separate countries, you will need to complete a separate registration for each child/country.  Example:  I have 3 children.  They each want to display their own country.  I would need to complete 3 separate registrations forms.  You can request to be placed next to each other.  I will do my best to accommodate.  I would highly suggest that a non-participating teen or adult be with/near the participant’s display for supervision/assistance.

Due to space constraints and many first-year unknowns, we will have no more than 2 tour guides at each country display, at one time, done as a family.  There are 2 options for family registration.  First, break your family registration into several family registrations (different countries), and you can request to be placed next to each other.  I will do my best to accommodate.  Example: I have 4 children.  1 registration would be for 2 children.  The next registration would be a different country with the other 2 children. Second option, complete 1 family registration and have the children swap off as tour guides.  I would highly suggest that a non-participating teen or adult be with/near the participant’s display for supervision/assistance.

Also, there will be a cap of 40 countries at this event.  These will be chosen in order of receipt of registration.  Please note that you should list 3 countries in the order of preference.  In the case of duplicate requests, I will grant country choices based on order of receipt of registration.  

Some suggestions to make your country display a success:

Colorful, clear and readable project board, table covering, clothing, trinkets, dance/music, games, media (power point/slide show), food/drink (participant is responsible for napkins, serving cups, etc), and a “passport” stamp/sticker (required)

I will need volunteers for prep over the next few months, day of set-up, clean-up, and during event. If you would like to assist in any capacity, or you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

Let’s Go!




Tuesday, April 9th; 530-730 pm



___Individual​_________________________ (name/age)

Country Choices: 1. ____________________ 2._____________________ 3.__________________

Email: _______________________________________​Best #: ________________________​


____Family:  ____ Number of participants​Last name: _________________________________

Country Choices: 1. ____________________ 2._____________________ 3.__________________


Email: _______________________________________​Best #: ________________________​


*Wi-Fi available ​​

*Tables provided (you may be assigned ½ of an 8’ table or ½ of a round table,so make display full but be aware of your space)​​​

*_______Electrical is needed.​

*_______Other (we will try to accommodate) Please describe:  ______________________________________


*______Yes!  Please contact me to help behind the scenes with ______________________________



Country choice/assignment will be emailed by Tuesday, 3/5/24.

Country description (to be printed in “travel map/passport book”) should be submitted by email to no later than Tuesday, 3/19/24.   Please list in the subject line: WCF24/last name/country

Absolutely no changes after Thursday, 4/4/24.

*More information will be made available closer to time.


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