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About Tuscaloosa

Home Educators

Tuscaloosa Home Educators (THE) is a membership based, Christian organization dedicated to serving home educators and students by providing support, encouragement, and activities. THE membership is open to all Tuscaloosa-area homeschoolers, regardless of personal beliefs. THE membership benefits all homeschooling families in this area. We are here to help!

***Member Dues will increase to $20 Starting August 2024

Home: Who We Are
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The leadership of Tuscaloosa Home Educators believes that God is the center of all that we do which includes the rearing of our children. We believe in the authority and inerrancy of the Bible. We also believe that it is the parents’ God-given role and responsibility to train and educate their children. As taught in Ephesians 6:4: “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”


The membership fee provides information, activities, and support for your family. Some of the benefits include email updates, information on our Facebook page, Junior Varsity and Varsity sports, field trips, Geo Bee, Honor Society, used book sale, annual pool party, homeschool resources, parent workshops, graduation ceremony,

Missoula Children's Theatre, discounted HSLDA membership,

and more!​


We are happy to provide resources for homeschool students in Alabama. At the link below, you will find church schools in the Tuscaloosa area, state-wide church schools, co-ops, and information on extracurricular activities. 

Bible Lessons

"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him."

Psalm 127:3

Contact the Tuscaloosa Home Educators

PO Box 202, Northport, AL 35476

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